[문법 종합] (분사) 중등 고등 영어 문법 문제 PDF 다운






Grammar zone 종합편

Ch.9 분사


분사 문제지 범위

분사의 형용사 기능(한정적 용법)

분사의 형용사 기능(서술적 용법)

분사구문의 기본 형태와 의미

분사구문의 시제와 태, 부정

주의해야할 분사구문 












문제지와 정답 파일 (중학생 문법 pdf 파일 다운로드)






[1-10] 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. When one of my classmates pointed out my mistake, I was (embarrassing, embarrassed).


2. I understood most of the terms and agreements, but some of it was (confusing, confused).


3. The letter from my mother was so (moving, moved) that I couldn't help crying.


4. The tourists sat on the boat, (looking, looked) out at the sea.


5. Jean felt (relaxing, relaxed) after talking a long, hot bath.


6. You should have the shirt (ironing, ironed) before you put it on.


7. I think Tom is very (annoying, annoyed) because he acts as if he were my boss.


8. My father doesn't like having our dog (grooming, groomed) because it’s too expensive.


9. The students who voted for him for president are now (disappointing, disappointed) with him.


10. Jason made the game (appealing, appealed) to all ages.



[24-30] 주어진 표현을 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오.

24. A little boy said that he (a woman, stealing, caught) a diamond ring.


25. Jack (digging, saw, two little moles) in the sand at the zoo.


26. (was, standing, a tall tree, there) on the hill for hundreds of years.


27. (the, is, sleeping, in the cradle, baby) my nephew.


28. Kate wasn’t able to fall asleep (going, all the noise, on, with) next door.


29. (been, having, in the accident, injured), Karl is in the hospital now.


30. (dinner, having, together, while), they talked a lot.

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