"BTS 관련 CNN 뉴스로 영어공부 하자"
BTS 10th anniversary: K-pop sensation’s decade-long style evolution

This week marks 10 years since K-pop sensation BTS burst onto the South Korean music scene in a flurry of chunky chains, baseball caps and spiky hair.
Footage from the group’s official “debut day” in June 2013, when label Big Hit Entertainment unveiled its latest protégés to the world, shows its members flashing their outsize bling to the camera. Marketed as a hip-hop act at the time, the seven-piece then performed in matching black tank tops emblazoned with each wearer’s name for the benefit of an unfamiliar public.
Fast-forward a decade, and BTS’ members are — collectively and individually — among the world’s most bankable fashion icons. In 2021, Louis Vuitton announced the group as brand ambassadors, while lucrative solo deals have seen Suga, Jimin and Jungkook appointed as the faces of Valentino, Dior and Calvin Klein, respectively.
This style evolution has accompanied an overall shift in the group’s image — one that’s seen its members transform from wannabe bad-boys to clean-cut pinups. Gone are the bandanas and beanies, and in their place masses of floppy hair. The questionable fits of earlier years have meanwhile been replaced by sharp tailoring and tasteful color choices.
Nowhere is this more evident than on the red carpet. Where the group once relied on near-identical suiting (or, conversely, a veritable ragtag of incongruous looks), BTS has slowly mastered the art of complementary — while not matching — ensemble dressing. Look no further than the tonally cohesive Louis Vuitton outfits sported at the 2022 Grammy Awards, or the pleasing pastels worn to announce their partnership with the French label a year earlier.
How much of this makeover can be credited to BTS, rather than the label or management that controls its image, is anyone’s guess. (One of the band’s long-time stylists Lee Ha-jeong has said that RM and V are the most interested in fashion.) The group has also enjoyed the help of fashion’s biggest names, including Saint Laurent’s Anthony Vaccarello, who designed several of their red-carpet ensembles, and Dior’s creative director Kim Jones, who oversaw the outfits for their 2019 world tour.
Regardless, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook are, now, all fashion forces in their own right. And with Western labels vying for a slice of burgeoning South Korean luxury fashion market, the next decade may be even more profitable than the last.
Scroll through the gallery above to see some of BTS’ looks through the years.
CNN’s Candice Zhu contributed to this report.
기사 한글 해석
This week marks 10 years
since K-pop sensation BTS / burst onto the South Korean music scene
in a flurry of chunky chains, baseball caps and spiky hair.
이번 주는 10년이 되는 해입니다.
케이팝의 돌풍인 BTS가 / 한국 가요계를 강타한 지
펑키한 체인, 야구 모자, 그리고 뾰족한 머리로 가득 찬
Footage / from the group’s official “debut day”/ in June 2013,
when label Big Hit Entertainment / unveiled its latest protégés / to the world,
shows its members / flashing their outsize bling / to the camera.
영상은 / 그룹의 공식 "데뷔일"의 / 2013년 6월에
레이블 빅히트 엔터테인먼트가 / 최신 프로토타입을 공개했을 때 /전 세계에
멤버들을 보여줍니다 / 특대형 블링을 반짝이는 모습을 / 카메라를 향해
Marketed as a hip-hop act / at the time,
the seven-piece then performed
/in matching black tank tops
/ emblazoned with each wearer’s name
/ for the benefit of an unfamiliar public.
힙합으로 마케팅된 /당시
이 일곱 명은 공연했습니다.
/ 검은색 탱크 탑을 매치하여
/ 각 착용자의 이름이 새겨진
/ 낯선 대중에게서 이익을 위해
Fast-forward a decade,
and BTS’ members are
— collectively and individually —
among the world’s most bankable fashion icons.
지난 10년동안,
방탄소년단의 멤버들은
집단적으로 그리고 개별적으로,
세계에서 가장 돈이 되는 패션 아이콘들입니다.
In 2021, Louis Vuitton announced the group as brand ambassadors,
while lucrative solo deals / have seen / Suga, Jimin and Jungkook
/ appointed as the faces of Valentino, Dior and Calvin Klein,/ respectively.
2021년, 루이비통은 이 그룹을 브랜드 홍보대사로 발표했고,
수익성이 좋은 솔로 거래에서는 슈가, 지민, 정국이
발렌티노, 디올, 캘빈 클라인의 얼굴로 임명되었습니다./ 각각
This style evolution has accompanied / an overall shift / in the group’s image
이러한 스타일의 진화는 수반했습니다. / 전반적인 변화를 /그룹의 이미지의
— one that’s seen its members transform
from wannabe bad-boys to clean-cut pinups.
멤버들이 변화하는 것을 보았습니다.
나쁜 소년이 되고 싶어 하는 것에서 깔끔한 사람으로
Gone are /
the bandanas and beanies, and in their place masses of floppy hair.
반다나와 비니, 그리고 그들이 하곤 했던 숱 많은 머리들이
The questionable fits of earlier years have /meanwhile /been replaced
by sharp tailoring and tasteful color choices.
초기 몇 년 동안의 의심스러운 의상들은 /한편/ 대체되었습니다.
예리한 맞춤 제작과 세련된 색상 선택으로
Nowhere is this more evident /than on the red carpet.
이것이 더 명백한 곳은 없습니다./레드 카펫에서 보다
Where the group once relied on near-identical suiting
그룹이 한때 거의 동일한 정장으로 의존했던 곳인,
(or, conversely, a veritable ragtag / of incongruous looks),
(또는 반대로, 실제의 서민 같은 옷으로 / 어울리지 않는 외모의)
BTS has slowly mastered
/ the art of complementary — while not matching — ensemble dressing.
방탄소년단은 익혔습니다
/ 상호보완하는 예술로 - 매치하지는 않으면서 - 함께 입는 옷을
Look no further than the tonally cohesive Louis Vuitton outfits
sported at the 2022 Grammy Awards,
멀리 보지 마십시오./ 색조가 조화로운 루이뷔통 의상보다
2022년 그래미 어워드에서 스포트 된
/ or the pleasing pastels worn
/ to announce their partnership with the French label / a year earlier.
/ 기분 좋은 파스텔을 입었을 때나
/ 프랑스 레이블과의 파트너십을 발표하기 위해 / 1년 전
How much of this makeover can be credited/ to BTS,
/ rather than the label or management / that controls its image,
/ is anyone’s guess.
이런 변신이 얼마나 많이 / 도움이 됐는지는 / 방탄소년단에게
/ 레이블이나 매니지먼트가 아닌 / 이미지를 좌우하는
/ 아무도 모르는 일입니다.
(One of the band’s long-time stylists Lee Ha-jeong has said
that RM and V are the most interested in fashion.)
(이 밴드의 오랜 스타일리스트 중 한 명인 이하정은 말했습니다.
RM과 뷔가 패션에 가장 관심이 많다고)
The group has also enjoyed / the help of fashion’s biggest names,
이 그룹은 또한 즐겼습니다 / 가장 패션계의 유명한 사람들의 도움을
/ including Saint Laurent’s Anthony Vaccarello,
/ who designed several of their red-carpet ensembles,
생 로랑의 앤서니 바카렐로를 포함하여,
그들의 빨간 카펫 단체복을 디자인한
/ and Dior’s creative director Kim Jones,
/ who oversaw the outfits for their 2019 world tour.
/ 그리고 디올의 크리에이티브 디렉터 킴 존스도
/ 2019년 월드 투어 의상을 총책임지는
Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook are, now, all fashion forces
/in their own right.
그럼에도 불구하고,
진, 슈가, 제이홉, RM, 지민, 뷔, 정국은 , 이제, 패션 파워입니다.
And with Western labels
/ vying /for a slice of burgeoning South Korean luxury fashion market,
그리고 서구의 상표들과 함께
/ 경쟁하고 있는 / 급성장하고 있는 한국의 고급 패션 시장의 한 부분을 차지하기 위해
the next decade may be even more profitable
/ than the last.
다음 10년은 훨씬 더 수익성이 있을 수 있습니다.
/ 지난 10년보다
Scroll through the gallery above
to see some of BTS’ looks through the years.
위의 갤러리를 스크롤하여
방탄소년단의 여러 해 동안의 모습을 살펴보십시오.
CNN’s Candice Zhu contributed /to this report.
CNN의 Candice Zhu가 기여했습니다./이 보고서에
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