[그래미아 쪽지시험] 관사 the 가장 많이 틀리는 오답률 높은 문법 문제 테스트지 pdf 다운로드


관사 the 문법 문제 다운로드 


빈칸에 the가 들어가면 the를, the가 들어가지 않으면 X로 표시하세요.

1. (      ) Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth. - 하나밖에 없는 것

2. We chose (      ) same number by coincidence. - same

3. We have (      ) lunch at noon. - 규칙적 식사

4. She and her friends are playing (      ) soccer. - 운동

5. She was (      ) only person who knew the secret. - only

6. We go to (      ) school from Monday to Friday. - 원래의 주목적

7. (      ) moon orbits the Earth and influences the tides. - 하나밖에 없는 것

8. My father goes to work by (      ) subway. - 교통수단

9. Ms. Jones has a book. (      ) book is about English grammar. - 이미 언급

10. (      ) last time I saw him, he was very happy. - last

11. He can play (      ) guitar. - 악기

12. From space, (      ) Earth looks like a beautiful blue marble. - 하나밖에 없는 것

13. Many Koreans die of (      ) cancer. - 질병

14. My seat is in (      ) first class. - first

15. Alice is (      ) prettiest girl in my class. - 최상급

16. My mother goes to (      ) market every Saturday. -원래의 주목적

17. (      ) bear sleeps during the winter. - 종족 전체

18. Old people go to (      ) bed early. - 원래의 주목적

19. Let's meet in front of (      ) building. - 서로 알 때

20. (      ) sun provides the energy necessary for life on Earth. - 하나밖에 없는 것



관사 the 문법 쪽지 시험지 다운로드 


[그래미아] 관사 the.pdf

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