카테고리 없음 / / 2024. 10. 31. 12:37

[그래미아 쪽지시험]초등 중등 기초 문법 테스트 시험지 -1형식 2형식 3형식 4형식 5형식 구별 해석 연습


1~5형식 구별 해석 연습 테스트




"1~5형식 구별 문제 + 정답" 다운받기




다음 문장에서 문장이 몇 형식인지 쓰고, 문장성분(주어,동사,목적어,보어)을 구분하고 해석하시오.

1. The stars twinkled brightly in the night sky.


2. The room grew silent as the lecture began.


3. He sent his friend a heartfelt letter.


4. They consider her a talented musician.


5. The children remained unusually quiet throughout the evening.


6. She left her friends feeling hopeful.


7. Suddenly, the wind became chilly.


8. The coach handed each player a detailed schedule.


9. The garden smelled wonderfully fresh after the rain.


10. She sent her brother a thoughtful gift for his birthday.


11. The sky turned a beautiful shade of pink at sunset.


12. The teacher made the assignment challenging for the students.
