[문법 입문] (시제) 영어 문법 시험지 테스트지 다운로드





grammar zone 입문편

 Ch.4 시제

과거, 현재, 미래, 현재진행, 현재완료형






과거 시제, 현재 시제, 미래 시제, 현재 진행형 시제, 현재완료형 시제의

평서문, 부정문, 의문문, 의문사 의문문을 잘 숙지하고 있나?


※ [1-6] 다음 괄호 안의 동사를 알맞은 형태로 바꾸어 빈칸을 완성하세요.

1. My mother ____________ (drink) coffee every day.

2. Billy ____________ (go) to the beach every weekend.

3. We are on the same team.

We ____________ (have) a good coach.

4. Harry ____________ (go) to the museum last Sunday.

5. Julie and Cindy ____________ (be) at the shoe store three hours ago.

6. We ____________ (see) the musical yesterday.


※ [7-12] 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

7. It (was, is, will be) sunny tomorrow.

8. Brett (was, is, will be) playing baseball these days.

9. You (did, do, will do) very well next time.

10. They (had, have had, will have) a party tomorrow.

11. Della (work, has worked, will work) there since 2008.

12. The show (already has, has already, already have) begun.


※ [13-16] 주어진 동사의 과거분사형이 옳지 않은 것을 고르세요.


① know → known

② lose → lost

③ eat → ate

④ talk → talked

⑤ read → read


① tell → told

② do → done

③ run → ran

④ put → put

⑤ buy → bought


① arrive → arrived

② visit → visited

③ see → seen

④ forget → forgot

⑤ come → come


① send → sent

② cut → cutted

③ pay → paid

④ call → called

⑤ stop → stopped


※ [17-22] 다음 괄호 안의 동사를 [ ]에 주어진 시제로 바꾸어 빈칸을 완성하세요.

17. Elizabeth ____________ (drink) tea for warmth. [현재진행형]

18. They ____________ (make) an art project. [현재진행형]

19. The snake ____________ (swim) through the water. [과거형]

20. Harold ____________ (come) to the bookstore with us. [과거형]

21. We ____________ (hear) the shocking news. [현재완료형]

22. Irina ____________ (go) to the flower market. [현재완료형]


※ [23-27] 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 미래시제로 바꿔 쓰세요.

23. Linda takes piano lessons. (be going to)


24. My friend and I brought some food. (will)


25. I did well on the test. (be going to)


26. Pam likes the plants. (will)


27. They don't write letters. (will)



※ [28-36] 괄호 안의 지시대로 바꿔 쓰세요.

28. Jordan is taking a walk along the river.



29. The children were excited about the story.



30. We were in the same class.



31. I heard the story from him.



32. He learned the Spanish alphabet.


33. Bonnie will drink the green tea.



34. The students are going to travel to Chile.



35. It has snowed all winter.



36. Jerry has told you the truth.



[37-40] 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르세요.

37. 케빈은 무슨 생각을 하고 있니?

① Is Kevin thinking about what?

② What Kevin is thinking about?

③ What is Kevin thinking about?

④ What is Kevin think about?

⑤ Kevin is thinking about what?


38. 너는 할리우드 배우를 만나본 적이 있니?

① Have you ever met a Hollywood star?

② Do you meet a Hollywood star?

③ Have you ever meet a Hollywood star?

④ Did you met a Hollywood star?

⑤ Have you never met a Hollywood star?


39. 그들은 이곳에 얼마나 오래 머무를 거니?

① How long will they going to stay here?

② Will they going to stay how long here?

③ How long will they go to stay here?

④ Will they going to stay here how long?

⑤ How long are they going to stay here?


40. 이 서류들 복사하는 것 좀 도와줄래요?

① Will help you me copy there documents?

② Will you help me copy these documents?

③ Will I help you copy there documents?

④ You will help me copy these documents?

⑤ Who will you help me copy these documents?




시제 문제 / 테스트지와 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 pdf 파일)

G-Zone 입문편_추가문제_Ch 04 시제 (Unit 12-15).pdf


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