[문법 기초] (전치사) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 한글 다운로드 그래머존 기초편 pdf


Grammar zone 기초편 Ch.8. 전치사

문법 시험지 한장으로 복습하자








전치사 문법 시험지 문제 범위










※ [1-10] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

  1. Alice is hiding (in, on) the woods.
  2. A group of tourists is walking (between, across) the Tower Bridge.
  3. Okay, we'll see you (at, on) seven o'clock.
  4. Mother’s Day in America is (in, on) May.
  5. Her mother is suffering (of, from) a bad cold.
  6. She doesn’t like horror movies (of, for) many reasons.
  7. It's my first time to travel (by, with) plane.
  8. My English friend can't eat (with, by) chopsticks yet!
  9. What do you like (about, on) your school?
  10. Many people are (of, against) building a new factory.

※ [11-18] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

  1. I’ve been watching TV during five hours.
  2. Click on the icon for the top of the screen.
  3. Nina's earrings are made by gold.
  4. Doctors have to study medicine to six years.
  5. It didn't rain much on the summer last year.
  6. I'm looking for my little dog since this morning.
  7. When do we land on Incheon International Airport?
  8. Mom, thank you in picking me up!

※ [19-28] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

  1. Let's meet in front of the café ____ 12 o'clock.
    ① at ② on ③ in ④ to ⑤ from
  2. Peter dries his hair ____ a hair dryer every morning.
    ① for ② on ③ in ④ to ⑤ with
  3. Wow! We've been talking ____ two hours.
    ① until ② for ③ in ④ by ⑤ during
  4. Oh, no! There is a huge spider ____ the floor!
    ① at ② on ③ in ④ to ⑤ from
  5. There is one pigeon ____ the group of pretty, little birds.
    ① at ② up ③ between ④ among ⑤ on
  6. What will I look like ____ 2020?
    ① at ② in ③ to ④ for ⑤ since
  7. Thank you ____ the chance to take a picture with you!
    ① as ② with ③ by ④ to ⑤ for
  8. Wow, your son’s great! He can sing songs ____ Russian!
    ① with ② in ③ for ④ by ⑤ of
  9. My favorite movie, Love Actually, is all ____ love.
    ① about ② of ③ on ④ by ⑤ with
  10. Are you for or ____ wearing school uniforms?
    ① about ② of ③ on ④ against ⑤ with

※ [29-36] 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

  1. Sleep well! I'll see you in breakfast tomorrow.
  2. The newly married couple even argued at their honeymoon.
  3. The little boy sat with his dad's shoulders to watch the baseball game.
  4. What will you purchase by the money?
  5. It gets dark at 6 o'clock on the evening these days.
  6. Her grandfather is sitting in a bench in the park.
  7. The city library is open from 6 by 12 on weekdays.
  8. A little girl was standing among two adults.

※ [37-39] 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 말과 전치사 in을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

  1. 아야! 내 신발 속에 돌이 하나 있는 것 같아. (think / a rock / shoe)
    Ouch! I (8단어) _____ _____.
  2. 알겠습니다. 곧 거기로 갈게요. (be / there / minute)
    Okay. I (6단어) __ ___.
  3. 나는 새벽 2시 정각까지 깨어 있었다. (awake / the morning)
    I (8단어) _____ ____.

[40] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사가 같은 문장끼리 묶어 해당 전치사와 문장의 기호를 쓰세요.

ⓐ You must get home ____ 6 o'clock.
ⓑ Halloween is ____ October 31st.
ⓒ I am so tired! I want to sleep ____ a week.
ⓓ He hung his coat ____ the back of the chair.
ⓔ Can I pay for this book ____ credit card?
ⓕ You can ask the teacher ____ extra help if you need it.

(1) 전치사 ____이[가] 필요한 문장: ____
(2) 전치사 ____이[가] 필요한 문장: ____
(3) 전치사 ____이[가] 필요한 문장: ____




문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / 한글 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 08 전치사 (Unit 31-33).hwp



문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / pdf 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 08 전치사 (Unit 31-33).pdf

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