[문법 기초] (명사 관사) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 한글 pdf 다운로드 그래머존 기초편


Grammar zone 기초 Ch.5. 명사 관사

문법 복습 한장 테스트지







'관사 명사' 시험지 범위


관사 (a, the)



※ [1-5] 다음 빈칸에 a 또는 the를 알맞게 쓰세요.

  1. Jim, I'm washing my hair. Will you get ____ phone?
  2. That person is handsome. He has ____ nice nose.
  3. This is ____ best game I've ever played.
  4. My dad has a truck. ____ truck is old.
  5. He gave his daughter ____ gift. It was expensive.

※ [6-10] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요. (알맞은 답이 없으면, x를 고를 것)

  1. Lauren has been playing (a, the) cello for ten years.
  2. Mike wants to be (a, the) professional dancer one day.
  3. That's (a, the) best book I've ever read.
  4. I love (×, a) coffee.
  5. (An, The) Earth is (a, the) third planet from (x, the) Sun.

※ [11-15] 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.
11. I'd like some green tea. Are there any hot water?
12. Suji decided to climb highest mountain in Korea.
13. Physics are my favorite subject.
14. I need some informations about the university.
15. He woke up very late this morning, so he didn't have a breakfast.


※ [16-25] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.
16. My brother ①usually drinks two ②glass of ③milk ④a day.
17. Monica ①has been learning to ②play ③a violin ④for five years.
18. I ①often visit Boston ②to see a ③my friend ④living there.
19. The teacher ①eats some ②breads and butter ③for ④lunch.
20. There ①are ②a lot of milk, so ③let's make some ④cheese.
21. ①Does your ②family like ③going to ④a family restaurants?
22. After ①collecting your ②luggage, you will ③pass through the ④custom.
23. ①In PE ②class I played ③the soccer ④with my friends.
24. I think ①Jane’s boyfriend only ②likes ③her for her ④a money.   
25. ①Take this ②pill, three ③times ④the day after meal.


※ [26-35] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

(알맞은 답이 없으면, x를 고를 것)

26. There are three ____ of furniture in the kitchen.
① cups ② sheets ③ pieces ④ slices ⑤ ×


27. She bought two ____ of pants from the factory outlet.
① slices ② pieces ③ bottles ④ pairs ⑤ ×


28. This is ____ only song I remember from the singer’s first album.
① a ② an ③ the ④ some ⑤ ×


29. My grandparents’ wedding rings are made of ____ gold.
① the ② some ③ its ④ a ⑤ ×


30. The police ____ looking for a man wearing a long, black coat.
① be ② is ③ are ④ been ⑤ was


31. Mathematics is ____ only subject I like.
① a ② an ③ the ④ some ⑤ ×


32. I am going to ____ Philippines for a vacation!
① the ② in ③ an ④ at ⑤ ×


33. That's ____ best online game I've ever played.
① a ② an ③ the ④ one ⑤ ×


34. A: I just rented ____ DVD.
B: Great. Which one?
① the ② some ③ an ④ a ⑤ any


35. They were planning to go there by ____ plane.
① a ② an ③ the ④ some ⑤ ×


[36] 다음 빈칸에 필요한 be동사가 서로 같은 문장을 골라 기호를 쓰세요
ⓐ Economics __ interesting, but it’s sometimes difficult.
ⓑ How many people __ injured or killed as a result of drinking?
ⓒ Diabetes __ a terrible disease.
ⓓ The old man’s glasses __ completely broken.
ⓔ Your health ____ the most valuable thing in your life.

(1) is가 필요한 문장: 
(2) are가 필요한 문장: 


[37] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분이 있는 문장 세 개를 찾아, 그 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.
ⓐ My father works as a custom officer.
ⓑ Congratulations! That's a great news!
ⓒ The background music of the movie is impressive.
ⓓ Today I bought a computer game and a book. A computer game is difficult.



※ [38-40] 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 [보기]의 명사와 괄호 안의 동사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

(주어진 명사와 동사는 어법에 맞게 바꾸어 쓸 것)
[보기] custom lunch school picture
38. 우리는 그 학교에서 많은 사진을 찍었다. (take)


39. 그는 한 식당에서 그녀와 점심을 먹고 있다. (have)


40. 팁은 한국의 관습이 아니다. (be)




문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / 한글 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 05 명사·관사 (Unit 22-23).hwp


문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / pdf 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 05 명사·관사 (Unit 22-23).pdf

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