[문법 기초] (수동태) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 한글 pdf 다운로드


Grammar zone 기초 Ch.4. 수동태

문법 복습 한장 테스트지





'수동태' 문제 범위


진행 완료 현재 과거 미래(조동사)
주의해야할 수동태

: 4형식 5형식 by 이외의 수동태









※ [1-10] 다음 문장을 수동태 문장으로 바꿀 때 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

  1. He is hitting the tree with a stick.
    → The tree ____ ____ ____ with a stick (by him).
  2. Minho has held the world record since 1999.
    → The world record ____ ____ ____ by Minho since 1999.
  3. We must do the dishes before Mother comes home.
    → The dishes ____ ____ ____ before Mother comes home.
  4. He saw the man entering the building.
    → The man ____ ____ ____ the building.
  5. My grandfather made me cut the grass.
    → I was made ____ ____ ____ ____ by my grandfather.
  6. People all over the world send e-mails.
    → E-mails ____ ____ by people all over the world.
  7. Someone broke the window of the grocery store.
    → The window of the grocery store ____ ____ by someone.
  8. Maybe in the future, robots will take our jobs.
    → Maybe in the future, our jobs ____ ____ ____ by robots.
  9. Everyone at my music school looked up to Sarah Chang.
    → Sarah Chang ____ ____ ____ ____ by everyone at my music school.
  10. Dave gave me 100 dollars.
    → 100 dollars was ____ ____ ____ by Dave.
    ____ was given 100 dollars by ____.

※ [11-17] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

  1. I am pleased (with, for) my test score!
  2. She is worried (about, to) going to the dentist.
  3. Toys were made (to, for) the children.
  4. A special birthday cake was bought (to, for) me by all my friends.
  5. The top of the mountain is covered (of, with) snow.
  6. Mark’s uncle is known (for, of) his sense of humor.
  7. He was really surprised (at, for) her IQ score.

※ [18-23] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

  1. ①Sleeping pills ②are ③selling ④at drug stores.
  2. I ①was satisfied ②to my ③first semester ④at middle school.
  3. Hundreds of dogs ①are ②being ③look after ④by the organization.
  4. When ①I was ②on summer vacation I ③stung ④by a bee.
  5. ①Will he ②remembered ③as a hero ④or as a coward in the future?
  6. I ①was hit on the head ②for a soccer ball, and now I ③have ④a headache!

※ [24-30] 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

  1. Julie is worried by the final interview.
  2. Arabic has written from right to left.
  3. Few crops can be grew in that country, so the people are very hungry.
  4. My bedroom was painted by my mom, but I was chosen the color.
  5. I was let to drive the car by my father.
  6. Can this soup cook in the microwave?
  7. We were forced stay at home by the heavy rain.

※ [31-36] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

  1. The construction ____ by the end of 2020.
    ① should be finish ② will be finish
    ③ is being finished ④ should be finished
    ⑤ has finished
  2. The president has lots of achievements and ____ many people.
    ① looks up to by ② is looked up to by
    ③ is looked up by ④ looks up
    ⑤ is looked up to
  3. The message ____ me.
    ① never gave ② never gave to
    ③ was never given ④ was never given to
    ⑤ never given to
  4. Wendy ____ attend the meeting every month, and she hated it.
    ① was made to ② made to ③ made me to ④ was made ⑤ has been made
  1. New Zealand ____ its beautiful scenery.
    ① knows for ② knows to ③ is known by
    ④ is known to ⑤ is known for
  2. Red ____ be lucky in China.
    ① is believes ② believes to ③ believes that
    ④ is believed to ⑤ is believed that

※ [37-39] 다음 문장을 괄호 안의 문장 성분을 주어로 하는 수동태 문장으로 바꿔 쓰세요.

  1. My mother named me Jessica. (동사 named의 간접목적어)
    ____ ____ ____ ____ by my mother.
  2. The librarian made us stop talking in the library. (동사 make의 목적어)
    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ talking in the library by the librarian.
  3. Many people care about the environment. (전치사 about의 목적어)
    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ many people.

[40] 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰세요.

ⓐ Greg is excited ____ the golf match.
He is worried ____ taking an airplane.
ⓑ I’m tired ____ the rainy weather.
My daughter is scared ____ insects.
ⓒ Life is filled ____ happiness, sadness
and other emotions. We are pleased
____ our new house.




문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / 한글 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 04 수동태 (Unit 20-21).hwp



제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / pdf 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 04 수동태 (Unit 20-21).pdf

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