[문법 기초] (조동사) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 한글 pdf 다운로드


Grammar zone 기초 Ch.3. 조동사

문법 복습 한장 테스트지





'조동사' 문제지 범위

can, be able to,
used to, would,
must, have to, should, ought to, can't 
shall, may, will, would like to, had better
조동사 have pp



※ [1-5] 다음 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

  1. The old man can see into the future.
    = The old man ____ ____ ____ see into the future.
  2. My mom used to do yoga every morning.
    = My mom ____ do yoga every morning.
  3. You must see a dentist.
    = You ____ ____ see a dentist.
  4. We don't have to take off our shoes here.
    = We don't ____ ____ take off our shoes here.
  5. Jake, you should hurry up!
    = Jake, you ____ ____ hurry up!

※ [6-20] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르세요.

  1. (Can, Shall) she win without you?
  2. There (may, used to) be heavy rain later.
  3. He (must, can’t) be at work yet. He’s just left home!
  4. (Will, Shall) I order some food for you?
  5. (Will, Shall) you send me a postcard from there?
  6. I (will like to, would like to) have a bath. I’m exhausted.
  7. (Will, Shall) I leave the bathroom light on?
  8. A cigarette (may have, should have) started the fire.
  9. Jack (would, used to) live in India when he was a child.
  10. Adam is outside with his bike. He (must have, can't have) cycled here.
  11. You (had not better, had better not) go out. It’s very windy outside today.
  12. A: Could I use your pen for a moment? B: Yes, you (can, could).
  13. You (not ought to, ought not to) tell secrets.
  14. I'm sorry you were worried. I (may have, should have) called you.
  15. My grandmother (would, used to) be very slim and beautiful.

※ [21-30] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

  1. I ①was late for school ②today because I ③couldn't ④finding my shoes!
  2. ①When Jina ②was fourteen, she ③could skate, but she ④wasn't able ski.
  3. ①You'd ②not better ③go alone. ④It's too dangerous.
  4. ①Will you ②please ③answering the phone ④for me?
  5. I ①think I ②will ③to take a break ④now.
  6. Dad, ①may I ②has these sandwiches, or ③do you ④want them?
  7. ①Should I ②stay, or ③should I ④going home?
  8. ①Last year, I ②could ③understand a lot of Chinese, but I wasn't ④able say much.
  9. ①Maybe you ②should ③to say sorry for ④laughing at him.
  10. I ①don’t ②used to ③like his way of ④speaking. I thought he was rude to others.

※ [31-36] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

  1. A: Would you like a cookie?
    B: Yes, ____.
    ① I wouldn't ② I could ③ please
    ④ I will ⑤ I may
  2. He ____ to fix his broken phone, so he threw it away.
    ① isn’t able ② could not ③ cannot
    ④ wasn’t able ⑤ could
  3. ____ better go before it gets dark.
    ① You had ② You did ③ You will
    ④ You should ⑤ You are
  4. Could you please ____ me up from school today?
    ① picking ② pick ③ picks
    ④ picked ⑤ to pick
  5. Oh my gosh! I gained almost 5 kg in a month. I ____ have worked out.
    ① may ② can ③ can’t
    ④ should ⑤ had to
  6. I ____ go to work so I’ll stay home.
    ① must ② don’t have to ③ have to
    ④ should ⑤ ought to

※ [37-38] 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 [조건 1]과 [조건 2]에 맞추어 영어로 쓰세요.

[조건 1] 다음 단어를 모두 사용할 것
: will, finish, paper
[조건 2] 총 9단어로 쓸 것

  1. 너는 이번 주에 그 논문을 끝내야 할 것이다.

[조건 1] 다음 단어를 모두 사용할 것
: young, used to, carrots
[조건 2] 총 10단어로 쓸 것

  1. 나는 어렸을 때, 당근을 좋아하지 않았다.

※ [39-40] 우리말과 일치하도록 [보기]에서 필요한 단어만을 써서 바르게 배열하세요.

[보기] better, bother, had, you, shouldn’t, your mother, not, have to

  1. 너는 엄마를 귀찮게 하지 않는 게 좋다. (7단어)

[보기] like that, can’t, behaved, she, have, should not, didn’t used to

  1. 그녀가 그런 식으로 행동했을 리가 없다. (6단어)



문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / 한글 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 03 조동사 (Unit 16-19).hwp


문제지 + 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / pdf 파일 다운로드)

G-Zone 기초편_추가문제_Ch 03 조동사 (Unit 16-19).pdf

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