학원 운영 자료/문법 입문 (예비중~중1)
[문법 입문] (전치사) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 pdf 다운로드
grammar zone 입문편 Ch.8 전치사in / at / on / under over / from / next toup / into / out of / beside across from / in front ofunder / for / about during / with / afterwithout / since / between 전치사 / 테스트지와 정답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 pdf 파일) [1-10] 다음 중 전치사구를 밑줄 치세요.Alice is in her sister’s car.Gary is at the Chinese restaurant.The gift shop is on your left.The cat is under the table.The moon is over the ..
2024. 1. 8. 19:02