[문법 입문] (접속사와 관계대명사절) 초등 중등 영어 문법 테스트지 pdf 다운 로드






Grammar zone 입문편


Ch10. 접속사 관계대명사절

and but or so
when before after if while

because that
관계대명사절(who which that whom)









※ [1-6] 다음 빈칸에 접속사 and, but, or, so 중 알맞은 것을 쓰세요.

  1. Would you like tea ____ coffee?
  2. We can‘t play soccer very well, ____ he can.
  3. We watched TV, ____ they cooked dinner.
  4. Monica studied hard, ____ she couldn’t pass the exam.
  5. They bought bananas ____ oranges at the supermarket.
  6. The room was too warm, ____ she opened the window.

※ [7-12] 다음 빈칸에 관계대명사 who 또는 which 중 알맞은 것을 쓰세요.
7. She likes a boy ____ has small eyes.
8. There is a park ____ has many trees that are over 100 years old.
9. He has a friend ____ works in a big city.
10. These are the shoes ____ I wanted to buy.
11. I bought a wallet ____ will hold all my cards.
12. They are the teachers ____ work at that middle school.


※ [13-16] 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 넣어 문장을 완성하세요.
13. 클라라는 그 연극이 시작되기 전에 극장을 떠났다.
→ Clara left the theater ____ the play started.
14. 그의 아버지가 군인이었다는 것은 알려져 있다.
→ It is known ____ his father was a soldier.
15. 늦었기 때문에, 우리는 공항까지 택시를 타고 갔다.
____ we were late, we took a taxi to the airport.
16. 밀가루가 충분하지 않아서, 나는 그 케이크를 만들지 못했다.
→ There wasn’t enough flour, ____ I couldn't make the cake.


※ [17-22] 다음 두 문장을 알맞은 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 만드세요.
17. We have a dog. It is very small and cute.
18. Tony has a sister. She has many hobbies.
19. The pants are too short. I bought them yesterday.
20. These are the dishes. We ordered them.
21. I know a man. He can speak Japanese well.
22. She's the girl. I wanted to meet her.


※ [23-29] 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.
23. It rained (after, if) the sky got cloudy.
24. It is true (if, that) I didn't want to go there with you.
25. I practiced a lot for the interview, (so, because) I wasn't nervous.
26. There were cows, pigs, (and, but) sheep on the farm.
27. (When, That) the house is built, we'll move from here.
28. I couldn't eat the curry (if, because) it tasted strange.
29. (If, That) you want to go to the concert, I'll buy a ticket for you.


※ [30-33] 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 관계대명사와 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.
30. 시내로 가는 버스가 아직 오지 않았다. (go)
→ The bus __ __ to the town hasn’t come yet.
31. 내가 산 장난감 로봇은 12달러였다. (buy)
→ The toy robot ____ ____ ____ was 12 dollars.
32. 코니는 그 댄스파티에서 내가 만났던 여자이다. (meet)
→ Connie is the woman ____ ____ ____ at the dance party.
33. 우리가 주문한 통닭이 아직 도착하지 않았다. (order)
→ The fried chicken ____ ____ ____ has not arrived.


※ [34-40] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.
34. Dana will be excited when we will tell her the good news.
35. Brian didn't go to the movies that he was tired
36. Do you prefer to travel alone, and to travel with your family?
37. A girl who I know from math class like me.
38. What is the title of the book that you're reading it now?
39. They built a house in Florida who has an ocean view.
40. The athletes who they won the medals have just come back.



접속사 관계대명사절 / 문제지와 답 (초등 중등 영어 문법 / pdf 파일)

G-Zone 입문편_추가문제_Ch 10 접속사와 절 (Unit 28-29).pdf

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