YouTube / / 2023. 7. 18. 11:21

[Ted education 테드 영어 공부 추천 영상] 스크립트 다운로드 Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler



YouTube Ted-ed Video "Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle?" 


Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? Ted-Ed

유튜브 주소 :


영상 영어 대본

You and nine other individuals have been captured by super intelligent alien overlords.The aliens think humans look quite tasty, but their civilization forbids eating highly logical and cooperative beings. Unfortunately, they're not sure whether you qualify, so they decide to give you all a test. Through its universal translator, the alien guarding you tells you the following:
You will be placed in a single-file line facing forward in size order so that each of you can see everyone lined up ahead of you. You will not be able to look behind you or step out of line. Each of you will have either a black or a white hat on your head assigned randomly, and I won't tell you how many of each color there are. When I say to begin, each of you must guess the color of your hat starting with the person in the back and moving up the line. And don't even try saying words other than black or white or signaling some other way, like intonation or volume; you'll all be eaten immediately. If at least nine of you guess correctly, you'll all be spared. You have five minutes to discuss and come up with a plan, and then I'll line you up, assign your hats, and we'll begin. Can you think of a strategy guaranteed to save everyone?
Pause the video now to figure it out for yourself.
Answer in: 3
Answer in: 2
Answer in: 1
The key is that the person at the back of the line who can see everyone else's hats can use the words "black" or "white" to communicate some coded information.So what meaning can be assigned to those words that will allow everyone else to deduce their hat colors? It can't be the total number of black or white hats. There are more than two possible values, but what does have two possible values is that number's parity, that is whether it's odd or even. So the solution is to agree that whoever goes first will, for example, say "black" if he sees an odd number of black hats and "white" if he sees an even number of black hats. Let's see how it would play out if the hats were distributed like this. The tallest captive sees three black hats in front of him, so he says "black, " telling everyone else he sees an odd number of black hats. He gets his own hat color wrong, but that's okay since you're collectively allowed to have one wrong answer. Prisoner two also sees an odd number of black hats, so she knows hers is white, and answers correctly. Prisoner three sees an even number of black hats, so he knows that his must be one of the black hats the first two prisoners saw. Prisoner four hears that and knows that she should be looking for an even number of black hats since one was behind her. But she only sees one, so she deduces that her hat is also black. Prisoners five through nine are each looking for an odd number of black hats, which they see, so they figure out that their hats are white. Now it all comes down to you at the front of the line. If the ninth prisoner saw an odd number of black hats, that can only mean one thing. You'll find that this strategy works for any possible arrangement of the hats. The first prisoner has a 50% chance of giving a wrong answer about his own hat, but the parity information he conveys allows everyone else to guess theirs with absolute certainty. Each begins by expecting to see an odd or even number of hats of the specified color. If what they count doesn't match, that means their own hat is that color. And everytime this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity they expect to see. So that's it, you're free to go. It looks like these aliens will have to go hungry, or find some less logical organisms to abduct.

해석 연습지

prisoner hat riddle_해석.pdf


영상 한글 해석 (단어)

You and nine other individuals / have been captured / by super-intelligent alien overlords.
당신과 다른 9명의 사람들은 / 붙잡혔습니다. / 초지능 외계인 지배자들에게

The aliens think humans look quite tasty, but their civilization forbids / eating highly logical and cooperative beings.
외계인들은 인간이 꽤 맛있어 보인다고 생각하지만, 그들의 문명은 금지합니다/ 매우 논리적이고 협력적인 것을 먹는 것을

Unfortunately, they're not sure / whether you qualify, so they decide to give you all a test.
불행하게도, 그들은 확신하지 못합니다/ 당신이 자격이 있는지, 그래서 그들은 당신 모두에게  시험을 주기로 결정합니다.

Through its universal translator, the alien guarding you / tells / you / the following:
외계인들의 번역기를 통해, 당신을 지키고 외계인은 / 알려줍니다 / 당신들에게 / 다음과 같은 것을 :

You will be placed /in a single-file line facing forward / in size order /
여러분은 배치될 겁니다 / 앞을 향한 1렬 종대로 / 크기 순서로 /
so that /each of you / can see / everyone lined up ahead of you.
~하도록 / 여러분 각자 / 볼 수 있습니다./ 여러분들의 앞에 줄을 선 모든 사람들을


You will not be able to look behind you or step out of line.
당신은 당신의 뒤를 보거나 줄에서 벗어날 수 없을 것입니다.

Each of you will have either a black or a white hat on your head assigned randomly,
여러분 각자 머리에 검은색이나 흰색 모자가 랜덤으로 배정되는데,
and I won't tell / you / how many of each color there are.
저는 말씀드리지 않겠습니다./ 여러분에게 / 각 색상이 몇 개가 있는지는

When I say to begin,
제가 시작하라고 할 때,
each of you / must guess / the color of your hat / starting with the person in the back and moving up the line.
여러분 각자는 / 맞혀야 합니다./ 각자의 모자의 색깔을 / 뒤에 있는 사람부터 시작해서 줄 앞으로

And don't even try / saying words other than black or white / or signaling some other way,
그리고 시도조차도 하지 마세요 / 검은색이나 흰색이 아닌 단어들을 말하거나 / 다른 방식으로 신호를 보내려고;
like intonation or volume; you'll all be eaten immediately.
다른 단어나 억양이나 볼륨 같은; 여러분 모두는 즉시 먹힐 것입니다.

If at least nine of you guess correctly, you'll all be spared.
적어도 9명이 정확하게 추측한다면, 여러분 모두는 목숨을 건질 것입니다.

You have five minutes to discuss and come up with a plan,
여러분은 5분이 주어집니다 / 토론하고 계획을 생각해 낼
and then I'll line you up, assign your hats, and we'll begin.
그리고 난 후 제가 줄을 세울 거고 모자를 배정하고 시작하겠습니다.

Can you think of a strategy / guaranteed to save everyone?
여러분은 보장된 전략을 생각할 수 있나요? / 모두를 구할 수 있게 보장된
Pause the video now / to figure it out for yourself.
지금 비디오를 일시 중지하여 / 스스로 확인해 보세요.

Answer in: 3
답변: 3
Answer in: 2
답변: 2
Answer in: 1
답변: 1

The key is that the person at the back of the line / who can see everyone else's hats / can use the words "black" or "white" / to communicate some coded information.
핵심은 줄 맨 뒤에 있는 사람이 / 다른 사람의 모자를 볼 수 있는 / "검은색" 또는 "흰색"이라는 단어를 사용할 수 있다는 점입니다./ 암호화된 정보를 전달할 수 있는

So what meaning can be assigned / to those words / that will allow everyone else to deduce their hat colors?
그러면 어떤 의미를 부여할 수 있을까요?/ 단어들에 / 다른 모든 사람들이 그들의 모자 색깔을 추론할 수 있게 해주는

It can't be the total number of black or white hats.
검은색 또는 흰색 모자의 총 개수가 될 수 없습니다.

There are more than two possible values, but what does have two possible values is that number's parity, that is whether it's odd or even.
두 개 이상의 가능한 값이 있지만, 두 개의 가능한 값을 갖는 것은 그 숫자의 홀수와 짝수입니다, 그것은 그것이 홀수인지 짝수인지

So the solution is to agree / that whoever goes first will, for example, say "black"

/ if he sees an odd number of black hats
그래서 해결책은 동의하는 것입니다/ 먼저 하는 누구든지, 예를 들어, 검은색이라고 말하는 것에

/ 만약 그가 홀수의 검은 모자를 본다면
and "white" / if he sees an even number of black hats.
그리고 흰색이라고 말하는 것에 / 만약 그가 짝수의 검은 모자를 보면

Let's see / how it would play out / if the hats were distributed like this.
한번 볼까요./ 어떻게 진행되는지 /모자를 이렇게 나눠주면

The tallest captive sees three black hats in front of him, so he says "black, "

/ telling everyone else he sees an odd number of black hats.
가장 키가 큰 포로는 앞에 3개의 검은색 모자를 보고, 그가 말합니다 "검은색"

/ 다른 모든 사람들에게 홀수의 검은 모자를 본다고 말하면서

He gets his own hat color wrong, but that's okay / since you're collectively allowed / to have one wrong answer.
그는 자신의 모자 색깔을 틀리지만, 그것은 괜찮습니다 /여러분이 총체적으로 허용되기 때문에 / 틀린 답을 한번 가지게

Prisoner two also sees an odd number of black hats, so she knows hers is white, and answers correctly.
포로 2는 또한 홀수의 검은색 모자를 보고, 그녀는 그녀의 모자가 흰색이라는 것을 알고 정확하게 답합니다.

Prisoner three sees an even number of black hats, so he knows / that his must be one of the black hats

/ the first, two prisoners saw.
포로 3은 짝수의 검은색 모자를 보고, 그는 알게 됩니다 / 그것이 검은색 모자 중 하나임을

/ 포로 1과 2가 본

Prisoner four hears that and knows / that she should be looking for an even number of black hats

/ since one was behind her.
포로 4는 그 말을 듣고 알게 됩니다. / 그녀가 짝수의 검은색 모자들을 찾아야 한다는 것을

/ 검은색 하나가 그녀 뒤에 있었기 때문에

But she only sees one, so she deduces /that her hat is also black.
하지만 그녀는 하나만 보고, 그녀는 추정합니다. /그녀의 모자도 검은색이라고

Prisoners five through nine are each looking for an odd number of black hats, which they see,

so they figure out that their hats are white.
포로 5에서 9 번들은 각각 홀수개의 검은 모자들을 찾고 있는데, 그들이 보고 있는,

그래서 그들은 그들의 모자가 흰색이라는 것을 알게 됩니다.

Now it all comes down to you / at the front of the line.
이제 모든 것은 여러분에게 달려있습니다./줄의 맨 앞에 있는

If the ninth prisoner saw an odd number of black hats, that can only mean one thing.
아홉 번째 포로가 홀수의 검은색 모자를 보았다면, 그것은 오직 한 가지를 의미할 수 있습니다.

You'll find / that this strategy works for any possible arrangement of the hats.
당신은 알게 될 것입니다. /이 전략이 가능한 모든 모자의 배열에 효과가 있다는 것을

The first prisoner has a 50% chance of giving a wrong answer about his own hat,
첫 번째 죄수는 자신의 모자에 대해 오답을 할 확률이 50%이지만,

but the parity information he conveys / allows everyone else to guess theirs / with absolute certainty.
홀수짝수의 정보는 그가 전달하는 / 다른 모든 사람들이 자신의 모자를 추측할 수 있게 합니다. / 절대적으로 확실하게

Each begins by expecting / to see an odd or even number of hats / of the specified color.
각각은 예상하는 것으로 시작합니다. / 홀수 또는 짝수 수의 모자를 볼 수 있을 것으로 /지정된 색상의

If what they count doesn't match, that means their own hat is that color.
만약 그들이 세는 것이 일치하지 않는다면, 그것은 그들의 모자가 그 색깔이라는 것을 의미합니다.

And every time this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity / they expect to see.
그리고 매번 이런 일이 일어날 때마다, 다음 사람은 홀수와 짝수를 바꿀 것입니다. / 그들이 볼 것으로 예상되는

So that's it, you're free to go.
이상입니다. 여러분은 가셔도 됩니다.

It looks like these aliens will have to go hungry, or find some less logical organisms / to abduct.
이 외계인들은 굶주려야 할 것으로 보이네요, 또는 논리적이지 않은 유기체를 찾아야 할 것 같습니다. /납치


prisoner hat riddle_영작.pdf

